Theo was motivated to find a job made just for him. Through the Customized Employment program offered by EmployAbilities in North Central Alberta, Theo developed a relationship with the head custodian at the local high school. A position was developed for Theo that suits his abilities, stamina, and interests.

Customized Results

Theo needed to work where he could work at his own pace, have a predictable schedule, and have repetition in task. Theo enjoys cleaning and finds it relaxing because he likes that he is able to listen to music and doesn’t have to interact with people unless he chooses.

  • Theo provides janitorial services at the local high school. When asked about his favourite part of the job, Theo says that he “enjoys being able to work at his own pace, he likes the people he works with and is happy that he is told that he is doing a good job by his co-workers and supervisor!”
  • Theo has done such a great job that the employer has increased his hours from casual to part-time hours 5 days a week! He has also received a wage increase, holidays and benefits and is thrilled that he is being acknowledged for his hard work.
  • Theo started with a full-time job coach. He currently has a temporary part-time job coach and will soon be able to work independently. He was developed great natural supports in his workplace.