Finding a job can sometimes feel like a challenging puzzle, especially if you have a disability or experience barriers to employment. Job skills training, including computer skills training and practical work experience, can help.

Here’s how:

Learn about the ever-changing job market

The job market is ever-changing, and so are the opportunities. Job skills training keeps you up-to-date with job search skills and helps you brush up on practical skills employers seek. EmployAbilities programs provide employability skills and job search training so you can navigate the market and apply for jobs that meet your goals.

Gain confidence in your abilities.

A job search can be intimidating, especially if you feel your skills are outdated. Like the EmployAbilities’ Restart Your Career program, job skills training hones your technical abilities and builds your confidence. As you gain new skills, you’ll approach interviews and job applications with confidence that will stand out to employers.

Improve your employability.

Employers often seek candidates who bring more than just basic qualifications. Job skills training allows you to diversify your skill set, making you a more attractive candidate. For example, you’ll learn practical skills like common computer software programs and virtual meeting programs. In addition, you’ll learn invaluable skills like leadership, self-motivation, working with a team, adapting to changes and more. Each new skill enhances your overall employability.

Learn how to use online resources.

In a digital world, job searches and applications are all online. In addition, your job interview might be online using a virtual meeting program like Zoom or Microsoft Teams. Learning how to use these tools is critical to your search and something EmployAbilities can help you learn.

Show your commitment to professional growth.

Job skills training provides you with practical knowledge and demonstrates your commitment to professional growth. You are ready, willing and motivated to learn new skills and improve your resume. Employers appreciate candidates who take the initiative to invest in themselves, which means they will save money on training in those areas.

Ready to train for a new opportunity? EmployAbilities offers a range of job skills training programs in Edmonton and throughout Alberta!