Jillian was referred in August 2021. Jillian is an AISH recipient and has worked in the past. The majority of her employment has been in the cleaning sector, but she indicated that she wants to find something different. The Employment Facilitator met with Jillian in August 2021 to complete the Employability Assessment and all intake documentation in Vegreville.

Jillian indicated she has some minor physical barriers – mild arthritis – and she identified as having a mild learning disability and noted thatreading and comprehension are challenges. Jillian had no resume before acceptance to the program. She worked with the Employment Facilitator in developing a resume. The Employment Facilitator provided a resume workshop with Jillian.

She also expressed interest in researching the requirements of a Porter in a hospital setting. Using the ALIS website and navigating through many related occupations, we determined that no specific requirements are required.

During the fall of 2021, Jillian requested assistance obtaining the Quality Cannabis Worker (QCW) certificate to become employed in the cannabis industry in Alberta. The Employment Facilitator assisted Jillian by reading all the required material to obtain the QCW. Jillian successfully passed the AGLC SELLSAFE exam and obtained her QCW in October 2021.

Jillian applied for numerous positions posted by AHS. Success came in January 2022 after submitting her resume to the Lamont Health Care Centre for a casual position in the housekeeping department. She attended an interview and successfully commenced employment in January.

The Employment Facilitator followed up with the client over the first month of employment. At the 90-day follow-up, Jillian was successfully maintaining employment. The facilitator followed up with Jillian for the 180-day follow-up. She was a permanent part-time worker at that time. Don, Jillian’s Supervisor, indicated, “If there were more Jillian’s out there looking for work, please send them this way!”

Jillian thanked EmployAbilities for the employment programming assistance and ongoing support throughout the employment program and said she thoroughly enjoyed working with the Employment Facilitator in Vegreville.