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Social media plays a major role in the job search process.

Job seekers can use social media to search for employment by:

  • Connecting with companies and organizations you want to work for online
  • Researching their latest news and posts
  • Learning about job openings as soon as they happen
  • Connect with employers and other employees directly on LinkedIn
  • Join group discussions and engage social networking communities.

Employers use social media to:

  • Recruit potential employees on professional social media sites like LinkedIn
  • Screen potential candidates on social sites like Facebook, Twitter and Google+ to see who they are outside of the resume and interview. This gives employers a look at their real life, character and lifestyle to see if you will fit into their company culture.
  • To find interesting employees with well-rounded lifestyles or specific traits they’re looking for.

Make sure your social media profile and activity is professional!

  • Make sure your social media posts are free of typos, incorrect spelling and bad grammar.
  • Remove anything that might be viewed as unprofessional or undesirable. Example: photos of you drinking at the nightclub.
  • Make sure the information about you on your profile is consistent with your resume and job application. It doesn’t hurt to mention your interests, field of work and skills.
  • Do not post anything that might give an employer the wrong impression. Example: inappropriate videos or comics.
  • You can have fun and non-business related posts, but make sure they are highlighting positive traits of your personality and character.