Read the full article on The Limping Chicken, written by Charlie Swinbourne

Christmas is a special time of year, but for deaf people, it can also be a tricky time, because we often find ourselves with people who are not very deaf aware.

I still remember one Christmas when my brother’s deaf friend asked if he could drive over to our house for a few hours on Christmas Day – simply because he felt so left out. I’ve also heard stories of deaf people discovering at Christmas that their family’s deaf-friendly communication skills had slipped.

The end result can be feeling left out, even as everyone around you seems to be having a wonderful time.

But never fear, here is our list of festive tips to help hearing relatives include deaf members of their family! Pass on, and share. (as ever, apologies in advance for my lo-fi drawings)

Click the link to read the full article with descriptions!

Buy a round table!

Turn sub-titles on!

Give the kids a pep talk!

Speak clearly and face us!


Brush up on your signing skills!

Include us!

Give us a role!

Play a game!

Go easy on the dimmer switch!

Go slow on the drinks!

Make phone calls deaf friendly!

Read full article at –