People with disabilities make up a significant portion of an untapped workforce. However, this untapped workforce is full of qualified people who want and are ready to work. If you’re finding it challenging to find and recruit employees, consider recruiting from this largely hidden workforce.

Here are some tips for finding, recruiting, and hiring diverse talent, including people with disabilities and barriers to employment:

Show that you’re an inclusive employer

Your website, social media pages, and job posting should show that you are open and welcoming to diversity. Show that you are an inclusive company by emphasizing that people with various abilities, backgrounds, and histories are welcome and encouraged to apply for your job vacancies. Clearly stating that you offer an inclusive workplace might remove hesitation from potential applicants.

Review your job descriptions and make changes

If you have older templates for your job descriptions, give them a thorough review. For example, do they contain unintended bias or language that might stop someone with disabilities or diverse backgrounds from applying?

Here’s an example. If you previously stated that the employee must work in the office from 8:30-5 but are now open to flexible hours or even a remote work arrangement, be clear about that. For someone with specific disabilities, flexible hours or working from home might make the difference and encourage them to apply.

Don’t limit yourself to online recruitment

Online job postings and emailed applications will only reach the same type of candidates. However, getting out into the community by attending events, job fairs, and engaging with recruitment centres (like EmployAbilities) will help you reach a diverse range of candidates.

Agencies like EmployAbilities work with people with disabilities and barriers to employment, including youth and newcomers to Canada. We can help you tap into an extensive network of qualified, trained, and ready workers!

Change up your interview questions

Adapt your interview questions to be more inclusive. For example, consider who is applying and adapt the setting and questions accordingly. Adapting the interview questions might mean wording them differently or providing the applicant with an outline of the interview beforehand.

Focus on skills and capabilities rather than specific work experiences. Focusing on skills and abilities will be more accepting of diverse backgrounds. It will also help applicants feel more comfortable and accepted by keeping the interview’s focus on capabilities.

Ready to recruit people with disabilities? Contact us today!