Employers Banner

You’ve got jobs. We have people. Let’s collaborate.

Let us connect you to an untapped workforce of Albertans ready, willing, and able to add value to your business.

The business case for hiring someone with a disability and/or barrier to employment

  • Employees with disabilities and barriers to employment have an 80% lower turnover rate compared to employees that do not have a disability

  • 92% of people surveyed responded that they’re more likely to support a business who hires people with disabilities and barriers to employment

  • By hiring someone with a disability or barrier to employment your workforce will more closely represent the larger population, and therefore welcome a larger customer base

  • Employers that hire people with disabilities get new insights into their operations, enabling them to better target people with disabilities (and the 25 Billion in purchasing power they represent!)

Review our programs to find the best fit for your business and explore how we can best support you.

Or if you’d like to contact us directly, click here.

Unsure which of our programs is right for you?

Give us a CALL or send us an EMAIL, and we’ll point you in the right direction!

Or get the process started by filling out the form below!

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