Information from the Huffington Post

They are extraordinary problem solvers. Exceptional people face unfathomable challenges every day, which means they’re often great problem solvers. In today’s business environment, companies need to tap into creative thinking and resourcefulness to drive the organization forward, and exceptional people have those in spades.

Well-defined skills are of great benefit. Exceptional people may lack the ability to do certain things, but when you look beyond that you usually find highly developed skills in other areas. Interestingly, physical limitations may lead to focus, which creates spectacular results.

They are often loyal employees. Working together to overcome obstacles is the basis of phenomenal working relationships. When employers begin tackling the basic issues of access, it forms the foundation for an extensive, mutually beneficial and productive future.

When the focus shifts from disability to ability, everyone benefits. A focus on the determination to succeed, and a supportive culture, is the recipe for an engaged and productive workplace. Observing the physical challenges of our exceptional counterparts can often inspire us all to increase our own efforts.

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