Before taking this program, I was very scared, could not open up to others, try new things, or participate out of my comfort zone. My worker wanted me to go on permanent disability, but this did not feel right to me. I felt I was ready and willing and, although scared, was able to try getting work. But I did not know what resources were available for me to use.

At her suggestion, I signed up for the GroundWorks program. If I had not signed up for class, met the coaches and my fellow students, I would not be the person I am today. I am confident, self-assured, positive, and not nearly as afraid of failures as I once was. If I should not complete a task, I can brush myself off and try it again. Trying things repeatedly and being successful has been a learning process. I am able to step outside my comfort zone and try things I never dreamed of doing and can complete them with confidence.

My disability does not define me. I may look at things differently from others, but I am able to live independently, raise my child, pay my bills/taxes, be a member of my community and be supportive with others in my life. I would recommend the GroundWorks Program to everyone.

– Ashley