Article from The Mighty

Finding a job isn’t easy, and finding a job with a disability can have its own unique challenges. Nevertheless, more and more people with disabilities are finding work, thanks to tireless campaigners fighting for equality in life and in the workplace.

People with disabilities are finally finding fulfillment in the workplace. Although gaining access to jobs is getting easier, there are still important steps we must take in order to ensure we have the best chance of finding that job. Here are some tips to help you get a head start in your career:

1. Stay organized.

Keep diaries, log books, spreadsheets and all kinds of organizational tools to allow you to keep track of upcoming events and dates as well as noting what worked well in an interview. “All things are ready if our mind be so,” wrote William Shakespeare.

2. Stay active.

Exercise as much as possible. If this is a difficulty, find a support group that can help or ask your doctor for help. A healthy body is a healthy mind.

3. Stay involved.

Allow yourself to process negative emotions and accept you will have good days and bad days. Use every assistance resource possible.

4. Keep informed.

Reach out to local government charities or national charities for information about the latest disability grants and support networks.

5. Know the law.

Knowing the law will be easier with help from charitable organizations that specialize in all kinds of disability laws and practices. By knowing the law, you can help prevent any discrimination that may occur.

6. Get educated.

Ask your local education or career centers for more information about schools that provide resources for students with disabilities.

7. Seek out disability-friendly employers.

Finding employers that have a positive attitude towards disabilities can make the job-hunting process a lot easier.

8. Be confident.

Be confident during interviews. You wouldn’t have been invited if the employer wasn’t interested.

Remind yourself of the positives you can bring and sell yourself. Everyone has weaknesses and strengths; interviews are simply about showcasing your strengths.

9. Volunteer.

Volunteering and internships can help go a long way to gaining employment. They show that you’re dedicated and hardworking. They can also provide invaluable experiences that you can bring over to a paying job. Be wary of internships that last too long or ask too much. There’s always a risk of employers taking advantage of interns. Make sure the work you’re doing is beneficial for yourself and for your employer.

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