Summer is coming to an end, and the crisp fall air is on its way! Some see this season as a time for fresh starts and new beginnings. If you’ve been out of the workforce or face barriers to employment, this fall could be the perfect time to re-enter the job market and explore new opportunities.

EmployAbilities is here to help. We offer job search support, job skills training programs and workshops, access to resources, employment coaching and more.

Supporting your job search.

Navigating today’s job market can be daunting, especially if you face barriers to employment or have been out of the workforce for a while. We offer job search support that can help you through online job postings and applications. For example, we can help you with resume building, cover letter writing and showing employers the best you have to offer in your job applications.

We have locations throughout Alberta, offering accessible resources to help you find and apply for jobs.

Job skills and employability training.

Finding a job is about more than just submitting applications—it’s about being prepared with the right skills. EmployAbilities provides a variety of training programs to help you train and build these essential skills. Browse our programs.

Gain confidence as you learn soft skills like teamwork, communication and prioritizing tasks. We also offer basic computer training, so you’re comfortable using technology as these skills are required in many jobs. Some of our job skills training programs include common certifications, like Standard First Aid and CPR, WHIMS and Food Service certifications.

Employment coaching and career exploration.

We want to match your abilities with the right job! Our team can help you explore your interests, strengths, skills and abilities and find jobs that match. Personalized career exploration ensures you’re applying for jobs that you are qualified for and can thrive in. Employment coaches will also help you set goals so you are prepared for your job search and to pursue opportunities that are right for you.

Building employer connections.

Connecting with the right employers is one of the biggest challenges in finding meaningful and lasting work. EmployAbilities has relationships with employers across Alberta who are committed to inclusive hiring practices. In addition, we offer employer programs that help match graduates from specific programs to employers. We are always seeking new employers to work with.

We can help match you with job opportunities that are well-suited to your skills and goals. Then, we can help with the application process so together we can make sure you’re putting your best foot forward.

This fall, take the first step towards a new beginning. Whether you’re looking to re-enter the workforce or start a new career, EmployAbilities is here to support you. Contact us!