Disability Employment Awareness Month in Alberta

Disability Employment Awareness Month in Alberta

For the first time in our history, Alberta is officially recognizing October 2017 as Disability Employment Awareness Month.

Disability Employment Awareness Month (DEAM) recognizes the many and varied contributions of workers with disabilities, raises awareness about an under-represented talent pool in the province and the available supports that help Albertans with disabilities succeed in the workforce. By highlighting the skills of Albertans with disabilities and connecting these individuals to prospective employers, our government is encouraging inclusive employment across the province.

“Albertans are hard-working, capable and dedicated and they all deserve to be celebrated as such. Disability Employment Awareness Month is an opportunity to educate and recognize the rich diversity of skills and ideas that persons with all abilities contribute to our workforce, and to acknowledge that a varying ability is not an inability.”  – Irfan Sabir, Minister of Community and Social Services

The designation of October 2017 as DEAM is part of our government’s ongoing commitment to honouring the achievements and knowledge of persons with disabilities in Alberta.

“The provincial declaration of October 2017 as Disability Employment Awareness Month recognizes that despite the continued barriers to acquiring employment, people with disabilities make a significant contribution to an engaged and innovative Alberta workforce. The progressive leadership of inclusive employers is also acknowledged with this DEAM declaration, as is the work of the many professionals working across Alberta to help employers leverage diversity in the workplace. I thank the Ministry of Community and Social Services for their declaration of this important month.”  – Sean McEwen, Calgary Employment First Network

“It is my hope that the declaration of October as Disability Employment Awareness Month will help to promote awareness and educate employers about hiring people with disabilities and, in the long run, dispel any myths that employers may have.”  – Amy Park, Edmonton Self Advocacy Federation

Throughout the month of October, Minister Sabir and his government colleagues will participate in various community and stakeholder events to discuss DEAM and the importance of inclusive hiring practices in the workplace. This includes meetings with stakeholders and highlighting success stories of businesses that have hired Albertans with disabilities.

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By |2017-10-05T14:23:30+00:00October 5, 2017|Blog|0 Comments
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