2024 is EmployAbilities’ 50th year of connecting ability to employment. Since day one, our services have always been provided at no cost. But that doesn’t mean that they’re free – the reality is our job training, employment readiness, and job development work costs money. Presently, we’re able to provide our unmatched employment services to Albertans through the generous support of the Government of Canada, the Government of Alberta, and corporate and individual donors, most of whom donate on an ad hoc basis. However, more is needed to become more sustainable.
That’s why we’re introducing a Golden Stars monthly donation initiative – calling on fifty Albertans to donate $50 a month in honour of EmployAbilities’ 50th anniversary.
As a Golden Star, you’ll provide sustainable, ongoing funding for our organization and help support people with disabilities and barriers to finding meaningful employment. In 2022-23, almost 400 people found jobs as a direct result of our efforts. Hundreds more benefited from our services. Employers benefit, too, through our engagement efforts and one-on-one relationships built through our job developers.
Ready to become a Golden Star? Click here!