Michael’s journey is a compelling narrative of adaptability and finding one’s niche. With a background in Police and Investigation Studies, Michael faced the challenge of finding a role that not only matched his academic training but also aligned with his personal strengths and needs, especially considering his place on the autism spectrum.

Michael’s early career was marked by a series of positions that, while valuable, did not fully utilize his specialized skills or accommodate his preference for analytical work. His roles ranged from a Bakery Goods Wrapper at Costco Wholesale to a Registrations Officer for Elections Canada, each providing him with a diverse set of experiences but falling short of his ideal role.

Michael turned to EmployAbilities and the ICC team to assist him with updating and tailoring his resumes, developing a more consistent job search strategy, and practicing for interviews.

The turning point for Michael came on June 10th, 2023, when he secured a position as a Surveillance Operator at the Starlight Casino. This role perfectly utilizes his proficiency with technology, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities, developed through his education at MacEwan University and his practical experience during his Security Guard Training Practicum.

In this role, Michael is tasked with monitoring the casino’s extensive surveillance system, ensuring the safety and security of the premises and its patrons. His eye for detail and ability to analyze complex situations in real-time have made him an invaluable asset to the casino’s security team.

On January 7, 2024, Michael achieved his 180-day follow-up. He has found a professional environment that not only values his unique skills but also provides him with the structure and consistency he prefers.

Michael’s story is not just about securing employment; it’s about finding a place where his talents can shine and where he can make a meaningful contribution. His journey highlights the importance of aligning one’s career with one’s personal strengths and preferences, particularly for individuals on the autism spectrum who may have specific needs and talents.