We all have them—weaknesses. Do you lack confidence? Or do you have trouble saying no? Perhaps you wait until the last minute to start a project. There can be something preventing each of us from doing the best we can at any job.

Whatever your weakness, rather than seeing what is wrong, look at how it makes you a better candidate for a job. At the core of what EmployAbilities does is helping clients challenge their mindset and showing them the right strategies to reframe how they see themselves. This includes resume writing and interview skills because, during the job search, you will be asked, “What are your weaknesses?” EmployAbilities will help you reframe your thoughts and show employers you deserve a special look. You are stronger than you think.

What are your weaknesses?

To begin, ask yourself, “What are my weaknesses?”. Being honest is the first step towards improvement. Be specific in the areas you think need improvement. Try asking friends, family, or colleagues. They will be able to give you insights. And be prepared, as they might see some of those weaknesses as strengths.


Rethinking your weaknesses becomes an opportunity for growth and improvement. It means you accept challenges. This gives you strength and adaptability and proves you have determination. These are all skills and qualities today’s workforce wants. So, instead of viewing setbacks as failures, they become valuable lessons that build your character and professional growth.

Also, changing the language of how you view weaknesses can change the way you see yourself. For example, disabilities and barriers have, for a long time, been viewed as an issue in entering the workforce. However, once challenged and reframed, it showcases traits such as determination, critical thinking, and creative problem-solving skills because a person with disabilities experiences the world differently. Going through life with a disability takes a lot of effort. And it’s those positive skills that get you out and into the workforce that has traditionally excluded you. Hiring a person with a disability not only fosters diversity and inclusivity but also brings those unique perspectives and valuable skills to employers.


Shifting your views of weaknesses requires self-awareness, determination, and a dash of creativity. After all, we are our own worst critics. Embrace the challenges and devise strategies. This way, you’ll come away from any job search stronger, more capable, and more confident.