The following points were taken from a speech by Bill Wilkerson who, in preparing his remarks, said he “started thinking about what persons with so-called disabilities have in common with me, a person of so-called sound mind and body.”

What we have in common.

Persons with disabilities seek fairness, not favour, in getting and keeping a job. So do I.

Persons with disabilities need competitive wages. All my life, so have I.

Persons with disabilities sometimes need time off for personal reasons. So do we all.

Persons with disabilities occasionally need mentoring on the job. So does everyone else.

Persons with disabilities may need a modified workstation, training and time to adapt. In this age of ergonomics and teamwork, so does the whole world.

Persons with disabilities sometimes need flexible hours. So do I.

Persons with disabilities need to have jobs they grow into, not just jobs to survive in. Who doesn’t?

Persons with disabilities need to have their performance on the job measured fairly and accurately. As we all do.

Persons with disabilities solve problems. Life has taught them this. This is a skill that has a dollar value in the workplace.

Persons with disabilities don’t walk around in packs. They are individuals who influence the buying decisions of friends and family. Business, listen up.

Persons with disabilities need honest feedback about their chances to compete for the job they’ve applied for an not silence from self-conscious hiring managers.

Persons with disabilities don’t need sympathy; they need empathy and opportunity.

For more information and resources, feel free to contact EmployAbilities!