Inclusivity and diversity are valued and expected in a healthy workplace. If you’ve been thinking about creating a more inclusive culture and want to diversify your next hire, consider hiring someone with disabilities.

Increase employee retention decreases human resource costs

People with disabilities and barriers to employment are loyal employees. In fact, according to this report, people with disabilities have an 80% lower turnover rate compared to people without. Employee retention reduces human resource costs significantly. When you have to replace a good worker, you might experience:

  • Loss of productivity amongst other staff, including supervisors
  • Costly orientation and training for a new hire
  • Lost productivity of the new hires while they learn their duties
  • Increased errors while the job is being filled and during the transition
  • Damaged customer service during the transition

Several companies reported successful employee retention when hiring people with disabilities. That means they avoided costly and time-consuming losses during the transition.

Improved brand reputation

Creating a diverse and inclusive workforce is good for your brand image and has economic benefits. Stakeholders and investors want to invest their money in companies with strong corporate social responsibility policies. That same report stated that 92% of those surveyed view companies that hire people with disabilities more favourably, and 87% would rather give their business to companies that hire people with disabilities.

Leveraging the strengths, creativity, and contributions of people from all walks of life builds forward-thinking, strong business reputations. This positive reputation will give your business a competitive advantage.

Representation and access to a broader market

When you hire someone with a disability or barrier to employment, your team will more closely represent the larger population. That means you’ll be able to welcome a more extensive customer base. Those employees will bring new perspectives and allow you to better reach, relate to and engage with that new customer base.

And, the market of Canadians with disabilities is not a small or ‘niche’ market. It is a multi-billion dollar market. One in five Canadians lives with a disability. They represent a purchasing power of $55 billion each year! This adds up to an incredible opportunity for businesses. Read more about the business case for inclusivity and accessibility.

Working with EmployAbilities

EmployAbilities offers job skills training programs to people with disabilities and barriers to employment. We then help match our fully trained and qualified candidates to progressive and inclusive employers like you. In addition, our programs can offer:

  • Wages subsidies up to 50% for 10-12 weeks, depending on the program
  • Minimal paperwork
  • Smooth hiring and training with reduced expenses
  • Resources and support to assist with onboarding employees with disabilities
  • Assistance with workplace accommodations, if necessary

Are you looking to hire? Get started here.