Working Through It – Taking Charge of Your Well-Being


Some of the videos and resources we’ve looked at over the past weeks have dealt with strategies that can be used when someone feels like they are struggling. This week’s article looks at steps you can take to promote your own good health and well-being.  Click the image to watch the video:


Taking charge of your health and well-being may include these suggestions:

Become informed

  • Keep an ongoing list of resources that contribute to your well-being (people, print and on-line).
  • Develop a plan for how and when to use these resources.

Advocate for yourself

  • Learn what contributes and what takes away from your well-being.
  • Consider how to increase things that contribute to your well-being.
  • Consider how to decrease the things that take away from your well-being.

Examine your relationships with family and friends

  • Assess what is working, what is not working, what helps, what does not help.
  • Talk to those who are close to you to help them understand what they may be able to do to help you.
  • Develop a plan for how to reach out when necessary.

Examine your lifestyle

  • Look at how you are living your life: diet and nutrition, sleep and rest, exercise, creative activities, social activities.
  • Consider what helps you to improve your energy, confidence, self-esteem, coping skills, and sense of inclusion while maintaining your well-being.

Create a plan

  • Set goals and benchmarks
  • Monitor progress
  • Revise the plan as needed
  • Don’t get discouraged
  • Celebrate small achievements