Find workers in Edmonton
Looking to find workers in Edmonton? The Strive 4 Work program connects employers to skilled, trained staff—helping to strengthen businesses and break down employment barriers. But there’s no opport_nity without u! Let’s work together.
Employing a graduate from Strive 4 Work is an opportunity to:
Participating Businesses

“Larry has become such a valued member of our team. We look forward to seeing him every day and he has done such an amazing job over the past year! The Strive 4 Work program is fantastic and I love what you guys do! I would highly recommend the program.”
“At Star Building Components, we want to provide valuable skills training and work experience. Working with Strive 4 Work we have been successful in job placement, and the employee is provided with assistance in a supportive and inclusive environment. S4W helped us achieve one of our business goals.”
“If you are thinking about employing someone with a disability/barrier to employment, then I would highly recommend getting in contact with EmployAbilities. You will not be disappointed! They will connect you with people that truly want to work and are appreciative of the opportunity you can offer them.”
To get connected with work-ready staff, fill out the form below!
This form is for employers looking to hire. If you’re looking for a job, please click here

Funded by the Government of Canada’s Opportunities Fund for People with Disabilities Program