Tyler, a 25-year-old young man from Edmonton, struggled to find meaningful employment despite having worked various jobs since finishing high school. After hearing about EmployAbilities from his brother’s co-worker, he sought assistance with his job search, job targeting, and career planning.
Tailored job coaching
Upon meeting with a job coach, Tyler could discuss his previous work experience, which included opportunities as a tire serviceman, oil change technician, heavy-duty mechanic apprentice, and retail sales associate at a skateboard shop. He also shared that he had previously worked in the oil field industry, however had to leave this opportunity due to medical reasons.
Our goal was to assist Tyler in identifying potential job targets based on his experience and interests. He also discussed accommodations he might need due to his ADHD, back problems, and hip fracture. Strategies for addressing his medical issues and accommodations while on the job were also discussed. Ideally, Tyler needed a position with less heavy lifting, less standing and less walking.
Employment success!
Tyler secured a position as a parts specialist at Parts Source after our initial meeting. He has successfully completed his 90-day and 180-day follow-ups and is committed to his position at Part Source.
He is grateful to EmployAbilities for the continuous monthly check-ins and retention support, in addition to helping him build his confidence and develop the skills he needed to succeed in his job search. His overall experience with EmployAbilities was a resounding success, and he looks forward to continuing his professional growth with the organization’s support.
Learn more about EmployAbilities’ Programs!