
All services are provided at no cost to the employer!

EmployAbilities has a proven, flexible, customized placement process.  Our specialists meet with you to determine job requirements and identify areas of flexibility (like the possibility of job-sharing or exchanging tasks), then analyze the work-site and recommend adjustments – if needed (most accommodations cost nothing or are modestly priced).

We screen qualified candidates, pass on their resumes, schedule interviews for you with the most promising people, and provide support for you during the interview process (for instance, providing a sign language interpreter or assisting technology).

We continue to consult with you as you decide, assisting with the ongoing recruiting process, clarifying possible accommodations, and providing advice as needed.

Ongoing support. Following your new employee for up to six months, we continue to support your relationship, providing additional training or coaching to the employee or colleagues, troubleshooting, and ensuring communication is smooth.

Access to additional resources. We are always available to link you with more information or other Alberta organizations that can help you develop healthy and diverse workplaces. Our resource library is full of ideas and practical solutions and our workshops are continually evolving.

Get started with EmployAbilities today!
(780) 423-4106