Recruiting and hiring people with disabilities can benefit your business. You’ll find employees who are qualified, loyal, hardworking, and committed to your company and their job. Here are reasons why your business should recruit people with disabilities:

Increase the talent pool

People with disabilities make up a sizeable portion of the general population. By including them in your recruitment process, you’ll increase the size of the talent pool. The more qualified applications you receive for any position, the greater your choice and chance of finding the perfect employee for the job.

Fill vacant positions sooner

There is a labour shortage in Alberta right now. By increasing your search to hire people with disabilities, you will fill that labour gap sooner. There are qualified people out there who are looking for your type of work. EmployAbilities can help you find them.

Enhance your position

Hiring people with disabilities will help your workforce better reflect the demographics that make up your customer base. It also adds a variety of ideas and perspectives to your business. Companies with a diverse and inclusive workforce again have a reputation as dynamic, progressive and responsible.

Reach a vast customer market

Your customer base consists of people with disabilities! They’re a large part of the population and, as a group, have significant spending power. By including people with disabilities on your team, you’ll be better able to reach that demographic. There is a payoff to showing the marketplace that you value people with disabilities as customers and employees.

Get started! Contact us to learn about our Employer Programs.