EmployAbilities 2023-24 Client Survey Results

Every year at EmployAbilities we ask our clients to rate how we’re doing so we can track our performance and do better. The results from the 2023-survey are very positive:

  • 97% agreed or strongly agreed that “EmployAbilties staff treated me with respect.” (+3% increase over last year)
  • 95% agreed or strongly agreed that “EmployAbilities staff are well trained and knowledgeable.” (+1% increase over last year)
  • 95% agreed or strongly agreed that “I have seen improvement in my skills and abilities since attending EmployAbilities”. (+1% increase over last year)
  • 95% agreed or strongly agreed that “I would recommend Employabilities services to my friends and people I know.” (+3% increase over last year)
  • 95% agreed or strongly agreed that “EmployAbilities program and service met my needs.” (+2% increase over last year)
  • 95% agreed or strongly agreed that “Overall, I am satisfied with EmployAbilities programs and services.” (+2% increase over last year)

152 clients completed responses.

In addition to the numerical data, clients provided us with suggestions on how the programs and services can be improved, and heartwarming testimonials of how EmployAbilities has made a difference in their lives.

To view a one-page document that summarizes the survey results, please click here.