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Thank you for your interest in the Restart Your Career (RYC) training program at EmployAbilities.

RYC is a full-time, six-month skills training program. It’s designed for people who have barriers to employment, physical, medical, or mental health conditions, and are looking to acquire tools to thrive in the workplace. The program focuses on assisting participants with transitioning into a new career. We do this by upgrading participants computer and professional development skills for employment in the ever-changing job market.

To qualify, candidates must go through note that there is a pre-screening and assessment procedure. Acceptance into the program will be determined by the RYC team. Pre-screenings will be conducted a couple of months prior to our start dates in February (for the Spring intake) and August (for the Fall intake). 

If you would like to know about EmployAbilities’ other employment programs and services, please call the main line at 780-423-4106.