TB was unemployed, recently widowed and the sole provider for three children. She came to Career Evolution North through word of mouth and sought support to return to the workforce. She required resume revision, cover letter development, and bookkeeping upgrades. The Employment Facilitator requested that she do some research on an all-inclusive course that she could complete in two weeks.  TB did the research and found a course, and along with starting the course, TB started feeling confident enough to apply for positions in her field. She applied, interviewed, and was accepted for a position with Flint, working in camp four days a week and returning home every Thursday. Her parents support her with childcare, and she loves being back at work!


“I am enjoying being back to work. It has lifted my spirits enough to start moving forward, and with me being happy and functioning, my kids are finding their path to moving forward, too. Thank you so very much.” – TB