Many people decide to make big changes with the New Year, and perhaps finding a new job is your resolution. One of the first steps in a new job search is updating and improving your resume. Here are some tips we gathered:

Update your resume

When creating your resume, you don’t have to start from scratch. If you already have an older resume, use that as a template and update it where necessary. For example, you can add recent positions that are not on there and remove old and irrelevant jobs. Likewise, update your skills, contact information, education, and volunteer experience if those things have changed.

Mention transferable skills

Transferrable skills can be a selling point, so make sure you mention them. For example, you might gain some skills in an administrative role that are transferable for a customer service position. Examples of transferable skills include good communication, organization, critical thinking, and multi-tasking skills.

Promote your accomplishments

Promoting your past accomplishments will help employers see how you’ll benefit their organization. For example, were you involved in a big project? Were you faced with a challenge and succeeded in finding a solution? Did you accomplish something through education, sport, or another experience?

Make sure it’s in a readable format

Bad formatting can be off-putting for an employer reading your resume. Use a standard font and leave plenty of white space. You can find a resume template online or through Microsoft Word. Make sure to adjust it a bit to best highlight your skills and experience. For example, use bullet points instead of paragraphs, use numbers instead of writing out the number, and be consistent in your style.

Save the document properly

The filename you choose for your resume document is essential. Make sure the filename includes your first and last name, along with the word “resume.” If possible, save your resume as a PDF before sending it to an employer. A PDF will preserve your careful formatting!

Need help? EmployAbilities can offer resume-building advice on the phone or via video conferencing and other virtual means. To contact us, please phone 780-423-4106 or email at