Jobs and training disabilities
Jobs and training disabilities

Ready, willing, and able to work? We can help!

Serving residents of Bonnyville and Cold Lake and area, our team at Career Evolution North (CEN) helps people get back to work doing something they love. We’re passionate connecting people with disabilities with jobs and training resources to assist if their job search. We also and work to give clients the support they need to not only find a job but thrive in the workplace. Since CEN began (in 2018) 175 people have found work through the program. Access our free resources today!

How we can help:

  • Financial support for specialized short-term training

  • Pre-employment supports like skills and employment readiness training
  • Help with your resume and cover letter

  • One-on-one support with a caring staff person that’s committed to helping you succeed
  • Exploring your transferrable skills

  • Connections to employers
  • Encouragement to keep you motivated

  • Following up with you and your new employer after you get the job
Jobs and training disabilities

Do I qualify?

To access Career Evolution North services, you must be:

  • A resident of Alberta

  • Legally able to work in Canada

  • 18 years or older

  • Currently unemployed or underemployed (working less than 21 hours/week)

  • Ready, willing, and able to work full-time

  • Preference will be given to individuals currently on Employment Insurance (EI), eligible for EI, or EI Reachback (have received EI in the last ten years)

Not sure if you qualify? Contact us anyway! Get the process started by filling out the form below.  We connect people living with disabilities to jobs and training – we can help you, too.

Not sure if this program is right for you? Click here to be matched to the right program for your needs.

Testimonials From Our Participants:

“I felt very supported – the staff at CEN made the process fun, encouraging, informative, and supportive.”


“I have no idea how I would have made it as far as I have without Tracey and Stacey… they have been two of the most supportive people I have ever met and can’t say enough for what they have done for me.”


“I am 110% satisfied with the impeccable service I received from day one when came to Career Evolution North… I confidently recommend them to anyone who is willing to apply themselves. Thank you so very much!


#113 4910 50 Ave, Cold Lake

Have questions? Please contact us at:

Or get the process started by filling out the form below!

low vision icon If you are experiencing accessibility challenges with the CAPTCHA, please 780.423.4106.

The Government of Alberta is working in partnership with the Government of Canada to provide employment support programs and services.